2024-2025 ADOPTED LEGISLATIVE PLATFORMPREAMBLE The Equal Rights Amendment “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.” The Equal Rights Amendment, as authored by Alice Paul, shall stand first, foremost and above all other items which may appear on the Pennsylvania Federation’s Platform until equal rights for women and men become guaranteed in the United States Constitution, because all statutory law derives therefrom. BPW/PA members will identify and lobby elected officials and candidates for public office who support policy and legislation advancing BPW/PA’s Legislative Platform. PLATFORM ECONOMIC EQUITY Actively support pay equity, fair credit, pension reform, and protection of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Support affirmative action and equal educational, training and promotional opportunities. Increase the availability of affordable options for quality elder dependent and child care. HEALTH Actively support legislation that promotes ALL women’s health issues, choices and access to care. Promote research funding for all female health issues both physical and mental. Promote paid sick leave and expanded Family & Medical Leave. CIVIL RIGHTS To encourage and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in our communities and institutions and actively oppose all forms of racism and discrimination. Actively promote full funding of the Violence Against Women Act to combat domestic violence and the electronic and physical stalking of women. Support background checks for gun purchases that prevent domestic abusers from purchasing and keeping firearms. Actively promote full funding for protection and services for victims and survivors of domestic violence. Ensure equal funding for female and male participation in high school and college athletics. Eliminate all form of sexual harassment and discrimination against women. Support female veteran’s safety and equal treatment while in military service and in their return to civilian life. Bring ALL laws into conformity with the Equal Rights Amendment of the Pennsylvania Constitution. |