Business and Professional WOmen / Pennsylvania


Provides funds for members of BPW/PA to draw upon in emergencies such as:

Catastrophic illness or accident

Unexpected unemployment

Disaster or any other type of unexpected financial loss

Criteria: Must be a BPW/PA Member in good standing

The completed application and any supporting materials must be

submitted to:

Nancy Werner

PA BPW Foundation Chair

2111 Old Barn Rd.

East Greenville, PA 18041

TO APPLY:  2024-2025 PA BPW Foundation EOF Application - R07.2024.docx

Not a member of BPW PA? Find out how to become one here!


Edith Oler Flanigan, for whom the Edith Oler Flanigan Fund Grant is named, was one of Pennsylvania’s best known and most beloved of Federation members.  She became interested in BPW in 1930. The chartering of the Altoona Club, in November 1930, was the direct result of this interest.  She was the Club’s second president and later served as Director of District V. Most of the clubs were organized and charted because of her enthusiasm for BPW.

From July 1942 until her death in 1957, Edith served as the State Federation Historian. The collection and preservation of our records was a sacred trust to her, and our state archives were complete because of her interest and trust.

BPW played an important part in Edith’s life. Her happiest moments were those in which she performed some part in the promotion or extension of the Federation. Installation and chartering of new clubs were her special joy. Her favorite National Convention was attending the 35th Anniversary in St. Louis, MI in 1954. Her last State Convention was in 1956 in Pittsburgh.

So great was her interest in the Federation, that she attended every State Board Meeting and State Convention. She was always a mentor as she provided guidance and training to our members.  She encouraged many of our state leaders to become presidents. But one in particular was Grace B. Daniels, who aspired to be our only National Federation President from PA. But Edith passed away only a year prior to the election of “Miss Grace.” Edith never knew that her best friend did achieve the highest chair in BPW.

It was the Winter State Board of 1957 when the recommendation was received to establish a fund as a resource in Edith’s memory. The fund was to be “drawn upon in emergencies, such as catastrophic illness or accident; extended unemployment, disaster or other unusual financial loss.” It was adopted. It was only for our members. One component was that all requests would be strictly confidential and known to only the Committee Chair and the Treasurer.

In the beginning years the Edith Oler Flanigan Fund was a loan but now it is provided as a grant. Through the generosity of our members and local organizations, we have been able to continue providing funds to our members in time of need. Please consider donating to the PABPW Foundation and to the legacy of Edith Oler Flanigan.    N.Werner, PA BPW Foundation

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