Business and Professional WOmen / Pennsylvania

Edith Oler 
Flanigan GrantSTREAM GrantScholarship

The PA BPW Foundation was established in 2008 as a 501(c)(3) organization. All money donated to either the Scholarship Fund or Edith Oler Flanigan Fund Grant is restricted for use by the guidelines established for each fund. Our donors can designate their gifts to support either fund as charitable contributions. The Board of Directors consists of eleven BPW/PA Federation members. Three are officers of the BPW/PA Federation. The remaining eight are active members of the BPW/PA Federation. PA BPW Foundation is a separate entity from BPW/PA. The grants and scholarship applications are reviewed by a scholarship committee appointed by the PA BPW Foundation and recommendations are made to the Board of Directors of the Foundation who make all final decisions.


To Provide full participation, equity, and economic self sufficiency for America's working women

Donate Today2024-25 PA BPW Foundation Donation Sheet - R07.2024.docx

Share BPW PA FOUNDATION with your friends and family with our printable brochure: 

2023-2024 PA BPW Foundation Brochure.docx

The Foundation will host our annual Fundraiser at the BPW PA State Convention on Friday, June 13, 2025.  

Members can find more information in our 'Members Only' Portal: 



Interested in applying for a board position? 

BPW PA Members in good standing are eligible to apply. 

TO APPLY:  2024-2025 Board Application R072024.docx

Not a member of BPW PA?  Click here for more information on how to join us!

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