TO: State Officers State Chairs State Special Appointees District Directors Past State Presidents
BY INVITATION: Assistant District Directors, Committee Members, and LO Members
FROM: Tiffanie Burger, President Glenda J. Auker, Corresponding Secretary
RE: Call to August Board of Directors’ Meeting
DATE: START Friday, August 13, 2021, END Saturday, August 14, 2021
PLACE: Radisson Hotel Harrisburg, 1150 Camp Hill Bypass Camp Hill, PA 17011 717-763-7117
HOSTESS: Amanda Collier, District 8 Director
COST: Registration Fee $ 5.00 Luncheon $35.00 Total $40.00
RESERVATIONS: Watch for the meeting invite by email from PA Federation of Business and Professional Women. Please register for the Board Meeting and Luncheon (with dietary restrictions) on the BPW/PA website (i.e.www.bpwpa.org). You may pay online or send your payment with check made payable to BPW/PA to Glenda J. Auker, BPW/PA Corresponding Secretary, 723 Hunt Wyd Drive, Dauphin, PA 17018, on or before July 27, 2021 at the cost listed above. Reservations made after July 27, 2021 will have an additional fee of $5.00.
REMINDER: If you want any materials included in the Board Meeting folders, please forward them to BPW/PA Corresponding Secretary, Glenda J. Auker, 723 Hunt Wyd Drive, Dauphin, PA 17018, or by email gauker1@comcast.net, no later than July 27, 2021. For anyone bringing handouts to the BOD meeting, 70 copies must be available for all attendees.
HOTEL RESERVATIONS: Each attendee will need to make their own hotel reservations. Room rate is $109, single or double, per night plus state and local taxes. A block of rooms has been reserved for Business and Professional Women of PA. The block of rooms has been reserved until July 23, 2021. Direct number to the hotel is 717-763-7117.