PA Federation of Business & Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc
Be The Change You Wish to See in the World
Wyndham Gettysburg
June 9 - June 12, 2022 95 Presidential Circle
Gettysburg, PA 17325
- Advance Registration (post marked on or before March 12, 2022)
- Full Time: $65 , One Day: $50
- Regular Registration (post marked after March 13, 2022 and before May 9, 2022)
- Full Time: $75 One Day: $60
- On Site Registration (Friday Night Event and Saturday Banquet not guaranteed)
- Full Time: $100 One Day: $80
- Friday Night Event (Includes Food & Fun): $47
Benefits PA BPW Foundation & BPW/PA Special Programs
- Saturday Night Banquet (Circle entrée choice): $53
- Meal includes: Mixed Green Salad, rolls and butter, hot coffee/tea and iced tea.
- Meal Options: Roasted Airline Breast of Chicken - Saffron Risotto, Broccolini, Pine Nuts, and Pan Juices and Grilled Flat Iron Steak - Chimichurri Sauce, Potatoes with applewood-smoked bacon, Asparagus, & Baby Carrots
*Registration is not complete until payment is received: the method of payment can be done either using a credit card via our website (bpwpa.org) or by making your check payable to BPW/PA and mailing it along with this registration form to: Mary Jane Rowles,
Convention Registration Chair, 111 Latimer St, Clearfield, PA 16830 by the above-mentioned due dates. No email reservations will be accepted. All tickets will be distributed at the time of registration check-in at convention.
Refund Policy for Convention Pre-Registration/payment: There will be a $10 service fee for processing refunds. A written refund
request should state the pre-registrant’s name, address, L.O. and District and to whom the check should be made payable. No request
will be honored if such request is postmarked after May 9, 2022 (30 days prior to the opening session). In the event of a death or
hospitalization of the member or in the member’s immediate family after the 30 day limit, the registration fee will be refunded after
verification and approval by the BPW/PA President and/or the State Finance Chair.
Each attendee makes their own hotel reservations. Room rate is $139 for single occupancy, $156 for double occupancy, plus applicable state and local taxes per night. Breakfast is included with hotel room reservation. A block of rooms has been reserved for BPW/PA. Please reference the “BPW/PA” group when making your hotel reservations to receive the group rate. Please call the hotel directly at 717-339-0020 to make your room reservations. When calling, select option '0' to speak directly with the front desk in Gettysburg. DO NOT select "reservations" as that takes you to the national reservation department and they do not have the correct information for our room block. (Please note that refrigerators are not present in all rooms, if you need one, please request it when making your reservations.) The above room rates are guaranteed until 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 19, 2022. Reservations can be cancelled up to 24 hours prior to check-in without penalty.
Paper Registration Available by Clicking: