To: State Officers State Chairs State Special Appointees District Directors Past State Presidents
By Invitation: Assistant District Directors, Committee Members and LO Members
From: Melissa Wieand, President Cathy Caccia, Corresponding Secretary
Re: Call to Mid-Winter Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Saturday, March 4, 2023
Place: Graduate Penn State (the Hotel)
125 South Atherton Street
Penn State, PA 16801
(814) 231-2100 (general phone #)
Hostess: Sheryl Nierenberg, District 11 Director
Cost: Registration Fee $ 5.00
Luncheon-Saturday Meeting 35.00
Total $ 40.00
Reservations: Please register for the Board Meeting and Luncheon on the BPW/PA website (www.bpwpa.org). You may pay online or opt to send your payment, with check made payable to BPW/PA, to Cathy Caccia, BPW/PA Corresponding Secretary, 2300 Locust St., Greensburg, PA 15601 postmarked on or before February 20, 2023 at the cost listed above. Reservations made after February 20, 2023 will have an additional fee of $5.00.
Hotel Reservations: Each attendee makes her own hotel reservations. Room rate is $149.00/night plus state and local taxes. A block of rooms has been reserved for BPW/PA. Please use Reference Group Code Number: FBPW030323 when making your hotel reservations. To make your room reservations, please call the reservation line directly at 844-888-4723 (must identify as member of Business and Professional Women conference/convention and use the reference code above.) Above room rates are guaranteed until February 8, 2023.
*There is an $8.00 fee to park onsite at the hotel.
Reminder: If you want any materials included in the Board Meeting folders, please forward them to BPW/PA Corresponding Secretary, Cathy Caccia, ccaccia@comcast.net , no later than February, 20, 2023. Please send your word document as an email attachment. For anyone bringing handouts to the BOD meeting, 70 copies must be available for all attendees.