BPW/PA Legislative Platform Forum
Topic: Combating Domestic Violence
Sponsored by BPW/PA Legislation Committee
Presented by BPW/PA District 10
Speaker: Rachel Haynes Pinsker, ESQRachel Haynes Pinsker has devoted her legal career to assisting victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Rachel is the Managing Attorney for the Domestic Violence Legal Center located in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. DVLC provides holistic legal assistance to victims of domestic violence in civil legal matters. Prior to joining DVLC, Rachel served as the Legal Services Manager for the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence, a private nonprofit organization working at the state and national levels to eliminate domestic violence. Rachel’s presentation will address services and programs in place now in Pennsylvania, how they are working, and some of the barriers to their effectiveness; model State programs working in New York and Maryland; proposals to improve the situation in PA; and suggestions for Forum follow-up actions. She encourages Forum attendees to bring their questions to her presentation.
Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2024, 7:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M. via Zoom
Marisa Harmon, BPW/PA President