Business and Professional Women/ PA
To achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information.
TO: State Officers, State Special Appointees, Past State Presidents, State Chairs District Directors
BY INVITATION: Assistant District Directors, Committee Members, and LO Members
FROM: Jennifer Van Ingen, BPW/PA President, Michelle Holler, BPW/PA Corresponding Secretary
RE: Call BPW/PA Summer Board of Directors' Meeting
DATE: Friday, March 14 , 2025, Saturday, March 15, 2025
PLACE: Ramada by Wyndaham State College Hotel and Conference Center
1450 S Atherton St State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-238-3001
HOSTESS: District 3, Director: Janet Riordan
COST: Registration $25.00
RESERVATIONS: Please register for the Board Meeting and Luncheon on the BPW/PA website (i.e.,www.bpwpa.org). You may pay online or send your payment with check made payable to BPW/PA to Michelle Holler, BPW/PA Corresponding Secretary, 17 Steward Street Mifflintown, PA 17059 on or before March 3, 2025, at the cost listed above. No reservations can be accepted after 2/26/2025.
REMINDER: All reports will be emailed out a week before the Summer Board Meeting. All reports should be emailed to Michelle Holler holleratchelle@gmail.com on or before 2/21/ 2025.
For anyone bringing handouts to the BOD meeting, 75 copies should be made.
Each attendee will need to make their own hotel reservations. Attendees may make reservations by contacting the hotel directly at 814-238-3001 and identifying the block of rooms held for the BPW/PA. You can also book on the hotels website: Ramada by Wyndham State College Hotel & Conference Center Group code: BPWMAR25
Room rate is $99.00 plus tax. Rate applies for single and double occupancy. $109 plus tax applies for triple occupancy and $119 for quad. Occupancy. Hotel offers a complimentary hot breakfast buffet for guests daily, from 6:30 am to 9:30 am served in P.J. Harrigan’s Restaurant. The block of rooms has been reserved until February 14, 2025.
Lunch: $30.00
Tossed Green Salad, Soup Du Jour, Pasta Salad, Herb Roasted Turkey Breast with Pan Gravy, Grilled Flank Steak with Mushroom Sauce, Roasted Red Skin Potatoes, Honey Glazed Carrots, Rolls and Butter, Chef’s Dessert Display
2025 Call to Winter Board PDF.docx.pdf