PA Federation of Business & Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc
Good Things Happen When We Believe
Sheraton Bucks County Langhorne
June 8 - June 11, 2023
400 Oxford Valley Rd
Langhorne, PA 19047
The 103rd annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. will convene Friday, June 9, 2023 at the Sheraton Bucks County Hotel, Langhorne, PA 19407
The purpose of the convention is to elect officers and transact the business of the federation and carryout the provisions of the bylaws. As stated in the Pennsylvania Federation Bylaws, Article XVIII, Section 2: The call to convention, candidate information and any proposed bylaws amendments shall be mailed to each local organization at least thirty(30)days prior to the convention.
As per Article XVIII, Section 4: The voting body shall be any individual who has paid convention registration fee and is a member in good standing. No member shall have more than one vote and no voting by proxy shall be allowed.
Registration is not complete until payment is received: the method of payment can be done either using a credit card via our website (bpwpa.org) or by making your check payable to BPWPA and mailing it along with this registration form to: Donna Jones, Convention Registration Chair, 33 Corson Road, Conshohocken. PA 19428 by the above-mentioned due dates. No email reservations will be accepted. All tickets will be distributed at the time of registration check-in at convention.
Refund Policy for Convention Pre-Registration/payment: There will be a $10 service fee for processing refunds. A written refund request should state the pre-registrant’s name, address, L.O. and District and to whom the check should be made payable. No request will be honored if such request is postmarked after May 8, 2023 (30 days prior to the opening session). In the event of a death or hospitalization of the member or in the member’s immediate family after the 30 day limit, the registration fee will be refunded after verification and approval by the BPW/PA President and/or the State Finance Chair.
2023 Pre Convention BOD Call.docx
103RD Convention Tentative Agenda.docx